This weblog chronicles how a Falun Dafa disciple loses her marriage, and how she mistreats her son because of Falun Gong.
星期六, 10月 14, 2006
live organ harvesting
I have heard enough of Falun Gong's propaganda about the alleged live organ harvesting, and here are two additional sources for those who care about this issue. See another politician and a dissent, Bobby Fletcher. It is not that I don't think China has serious human-rights problems, but I am not convinced that what the Falun Gong people spread is ever close to the "truth." In my observation, the Falun Gong people have a strong tendency to exaggerate and to make unwarranted claims "in the name of telling truth."
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It seems to me also exaggeration that they are harvesting them for organs. It is posible with some death sentenced prisioners but about mass human orans business - this is hard to believe. However if they believe in all this crap they will take everything from their sect. So simple it is. If the boss will tell them that in China they make instant soup from their bro's they will take it.
There has been much discourse on issues like legal reform in China and Chinese society's moral ethical standards on death row inmates, by academics and media long before it was taken on by the Chinese government.
Here's an article from Phoenix TV:
放屁不遮羞。王文怡又是哪門子的 MD, PhD??? 法輪功的騙子請把本版其他的文章瞧清楚再來放宣傳品。Falun Gong people please stop lying: Wenyi Wang does *not* possess a Ph.D. from U of Chicago! 你們喊真善忍和講真相是比放你媽的屁還不如!
Dabao, I would love it if you could take my issues that I have blogged and confront Mr. Kilgour.
Dabao, PLEASE consider going to the screening for me. Here's my oped containing my thesis:
Thanks a bunch!
Any such accusation related to human rights against any group, including accusations against the Communist Party of China, is a very serious accusation; but sadly, the ways pro-Falun Gong media(e.g. Epochtimes) report such events as if they were some forms of pranks, which indicates that they are very likely to not really care for human life, therefore they use such accusations as a way to win pity from the public so that they can survive.