星期三, 10月 18, 2006




星期一, 10月 16, 2006

Falun Dafa Spam

Click on the title or here for an example. Not sure if the spam email carries any virus though. But don't worry because their "發正念" activity will clear up the computer viruses--says a Falun Gong practitioner (see 發正念清除電腦病毒). Haha, Falun Dafa is good!

By the way, I know of a porn site where a user has been spreading viruses. If any Falun Gong disciple wants to test if you can really fight computer viruses with your magic cultivation practices, click here. Dare you not?!

星期日, 10月 15, 2006

What is Falun Dafa? second opinions

Don't just listen to what the practitioners on the street tell you or blindly check out their websites. See what others say about this meditation, religion, or whatsoever. For example, Falun Gong Exposed, Falun Gong HK, Falun Dafa WTHF? and Where Has Falun Gong.

Falun Gong and the Republicans

I cast doubt about the alleged Ph.D. from the University of Chicago by Dr. Wenyi Wang (王文怡), the Falun Gong propagandist and the person popularly known for heckling the Chinese President Hu Jintao. I checked the Dissertation Abstracts Database publicly available at almost all research universities. I did not find any Wenyi Wang with a biomedical related Ph.D., nor did I find any Wenyi Wang holding a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in the past century (i.e., from 1910s and up). When I raised this issue to several Falun Gong practitioners, one of whom even forwarded to other Falun Gong practitioners who presumably was in charge of Wenyi Wang's visit in Taipei, Taiwan, none of them cared. The Falun Gong people--who have been "telling the truth" on the streets of all the major cities in the world--expressed no interest in the possible lie told by one of their own. I wonder what a double standard they hold when it comes to the issue of "telling the truth."

I cannot help but relate Falun Gong to the Republicans' potential coverup in the Foley scandal. Like the Republicans who emphasize on family values and condemn homosexuality but end up covering up Mark Foley's homosexual relationship with his subordinates, Falun Dafa disciples who claim to value truth telling appear not interested in a probable cheating behavior of one of their most widely known figures. What a sibling of hypocrisy!



大寶的領悟是大寶又著了這些無賴的道了。這些法輪功的宣傳目的就是要你注意他們,有道是 "There is no bad popularity!" 你和他們糾纏,就是在幫他們宣傳,again, 這和共產黨的無賴是一樣的道理。但先總統 蔣公(有沒有人立正?) or whoever 中國國民黨的領導人老早就發現對付共產黨的好方法了,我們應該照辦拿來對付喝共產黨奶水長大的法輪功。這方法叫做「不接觸,不談判,不妥協」,也就是所謂 的「三不政策」。徹底不要搭理他們方為上策。於是大寶逐步把本布拉格關於法輪大法的垃圾移轉到另一個網址:「法輪大法理學士」,省得在這裡礙眼。

星期六, 10月 14, 2006

live organ harvesting

I have heard enough of Falun Gong's propaganda about the alleged live organ harvesting, and here are two additional sources for those who care about this issue. See another politician and a dissent, Bobby Fletcher. It is not that I don't think China has serious human-rights problems, but I am not convinced that what the Falun Gong people spread is ever close to the "truth." In my observation, the Falun Gong people have a strong tendency to exaggerate and to make unwarranted claims "in the name of telling truth."

Why don't you care about who she is before you believe in what she says?

大寶本來最痛恨就是幫意識形態強的團體做免費的廣告,特別是法輪功這種宣傳資源豐富的宗教團體,但來個例外吧。我和一位 Daniel 君有以下的 exchange regarding Wenyi Wang on his blog. You get a feel of how the Falun Gong people react to this kind of challenge.

********** Below is the exchange **********
大寶 said...
Who is Wang Wenyi? Why do we want to believe what she says?
daniel said...
Wang Wenyi's data in wikipedia:
even BBC believes what she said:
daniel said...
why was my comment on your blog being deleted twice!? i said: since you are in Taiwan, why don't you go ahead asking her directly? she'll be in 立法院 on 10/14, and on 台大醫院 on 10/15. It is doubtful that you care so much about her career instead of the fact of living organ harvest.
大寶 said...
1. Do you know everybody can edit wikipedia? Why do you believe in BBC, but not the "facts" I provide?2. I don't care about her career, but question whether she is HONEST. If she lies about her Ph.D. and whether she practices medicine in New York City, then I am not sure how much I should trust what she says. By the way, the databases I search to question her "credibility" is public (or nearly public--i.e., available in all research universities' libraries).
daniel said...
you erased my comment in yr blog again. what have i posted? have i posted something wrong? The point is that: you are not an HONEST guy. your deleted all the comments that is conflicted to your thoughts. you don't dare to leave other's comment untouched to let everybody judge it. i feel so sorry about this.
daniel said...
by the way, if there are questions, there should be answers. thanks for providing your finding. i'll take care of your arguments.
dkd said...
The best way is to ask herself to provide evidence of her PHD degree.(since some people are so concerned ).Otherwise we should apology for the abuse ,that is the way a righteous man should do. No use to argue and the best way it to ask her directly since she will appear in some public occasions in Taiwan. Are you a Taiwanese? This is convenient for those who has doubts in mind while she is in Taiwan.
大寶 said...
Thanks a lot for your promise to answer my question. Let me recap my questions here: 王文怡到底有沒有博士學位,如果有,從哪一所大學來的? 小弟在一般研究大學的博士論文索引裡查不到他的資料。... 王文怡到底是不是美國紐約的執業醫師,還是他只是把歷史上的頭銜拿來裝飾門面,讓大家相信他講的沒有"直接"證據的話? 小弟在一個提供紐約州執業醫師的公開網站找不到王文怡的資料。... Remember that people may lie. So, I would really prefer "hard evidence" for her credentials. For example, I am a member of the American Economic Association, you will be able to find my name in their member directory. 我有威斯康辛大學發的學位證書,我甚至可以直接要求威斯康辛大學寄官方成績單到任何一個住址給我指定的人。諸如此類的證據。請不要忘了薛姓女主播當年怎麼 掩飾他假稱的學歷,也不要忘了電視臺當年對他的謊言是如何處置的。我等著看大紀元時報與法輪功團體對"真相"的態度與道德表現。
daniel said...
To 樓上的大寶: I didn't promise you. But I did forward your message. Whether they'll respond to you depend on their own will. 因為這整件事的重點不在王文怡, 而是獨立調查團的真相調查報告 (難道要救人還得先證明自己是博士嗎?). As far as I know, [法輪功團體]沒有興趣也沒有義務去回應這些事情. 您網路上找不到王文怡的這些資料並不代表王文怡沒有這些頭銜, 除非您能證明王文怡作假, 要控訴別人的人必須要負舉證之責任. 往往舉證之所在, 敗訴之所在 (否則, 每個公眾人物要如何疲於奔命面對這些無里頭的指控?) So, 最好的辦法, 還是親自去取得第一手資料. 王文怡週日上午 (未來科學大會) 及下午 (活體超市電影發表會) 都有公開活動, 建議您不妨到場當眾跟王文怡'嗆聲', 如果您對她的 credibility 有所懷疑.
大寶 said...
Daniel: 王文怡和法輪功的大紀元如果可以對他的博士學位無中生有,他們就有可能對其他的事無中生有。你 如果有看洛城法網之類的影集,你就知道這是在美國法庭上何以律師爭執到底這個證人的credibility。我不是隨便在網路上 google 一下就宣稱王文怡被我抓包唬爛了。我查的是美國所有博士學位的資料庫,在各大學圖書館都有。我可以找到所有從芝加哥大學獲得博士學位的姓 Wang 的人,甚至在1910年代。這位大紀元以及各式各樣媒體報導中的芝加哥大學博士並不在其中。你可以給我任何一個你大學或研究所老師的英文名字,如果他們在 美國大學拿的博士學位,我可以告訴你他是哪一所大學、哪一年、哪一系、指導教授是誰。這和 wikipedia 不同,這個資料庫絕對經得起考驗。此外,如果不是他自己講(or spoke in a confusing, if not misleading, way),何以幾乎所有的媒體都以訛傳訛說他是芝加哥大學的博士。到 底多少媒體報導他是芝加哥大學的博士是可以 google 一下的。我讀了那兩個加拿大人的報告,我不曉得應不應該相信他們有多獨立,他們的調查基本上是被法輪功的人牽著走的,當然你可以說他們是唯一知情的資料來 源。但我想 說的是法輪功組織(包含我所稱的"堂口":大紀元時報,新唐人電視臺等等)被我抓包誇大其詞或有報導與證據的瑕疵不是第一次了(如果你把我部落格所有法輪 功相關的文字都找出來看)。我所謂的抓包都是像這個王女士的博士學位一樣有清楚黑白證據的(and I thought you like things to be black and white, according to your profile),不是我自己喊得爽而已,沒法查證的(after all, I am a scientist by training)。Finally, I don't blame you if you are not convinced. My wife is a Falun Gong practitioner (and perhaps embarrassingly with a Ph.D. from a top university), and I can't even convince her of the various wrong-doings of the Falun Gong people. Nonetheless, it is exactly my wife's over-involvement in Falun Gong's *political* activities that irritate me so much and drag me into checking the Falun Gong organization's many claims.
大寶 said...
簡言之,我有很強的證據支持王文怡沒有芝加哥大學的博士學位。至於這到底是不是作假端看到底他是怎麼和記者說的。但基於他和大紀元時報的關係,連大紀元都說他是芝加哥的博士,我想這應該算是作假吧。No?! 我人在美國,所以沒機會當面和他嗆聲。但嗆了又如何,如果連你這麼有良知在乎是非黑白的人都說不在乎他到底有沒有假稱學歷,我不過是狗吠火車罷了。人們的道德良知顯然是有選擇性的,不是嗎?!

星期四, 10月 12, 2006


法輪功學員、大紀元時報記者王文怡到處以醫師與芝加哥大學博士身分發表意見,大紀元時報網站甚至大剌剌刊出他的博士照片(見右圖與大紀元網站走近王文怡之一之二)。 大寶順手把圖書館裡的博士論文資料庫拿來檢索了一下。所有的學位論文作者裡全部三個 Wenyi Wang 也沒有醫學藥理相關科系的,而芝加哥大學歷史上(all the way back to the 1910s)給過姓 Wang 的博士學位裡也沒有一位 Wenyi Wang。大寶鄭重要求法輪功與大紀元時報對此提出澄清以正視聽。

再者,王文怡到處宣稱他是一個北 美發行的中文雜誌<<醫學和生活>>總編,大寶也熊熊 google 不到這本偉大的雜誌,不知是何方神聖贊助與發行的,在北美大陸哪個地方可以買得著看得到。莫非又是一個狗屁叨糟的騙局,或是像大紀元時報一樣是法輪功自己 集資集力辦的宣傳品。

flawed journalism or repeated liar?


I cannot help but wonder whether this continues to be another case of flawed journalism (but why is it so common in Falun Gong related news?!) or Ms. Wenyi Wang is nothing but a repeated liar. 法輪功弟子的信條是「真善忍」,他們「單挑共產黨」的藉口是要「講真相」,但我從來沒見他們出來澄清這些新聞報導裡被歪曲的真相。

活體器官移植 王文怡:確實存在

聯合新聞網 活體器官移植 王文怡:確實存在

【中央社/中央社台北十二日電】 2006.10.12


今 年四月,中國國家主席胡錦濤訪問美國,與美國總統布希在白宮南草坪舉辦記者會,記者群中的一名華裔女記者用中、英文高喊「布希總統,阻止他繼續殺人」 (President Bush,stop him from killing)「布希總統,阻止他迫害法輪功」(President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong.)向胡錦濤抗議,也引起全球媒體矚目。這位一鳴驚人的記者,就是當時擔任大紀元時報特聘記者,並獲准進入白宮採訪的王文怡。

身 兼病理醫師與記者雙重身份的王文怡,在聽聞中國政府進行活體器官移植的事件後,開始進行調查與舉證,並在美國、歐洲三十多個城市巡迴演講,揭發活體器官移 植的黑幕;王文怡今天上午在台北接受中央社獨家專訪時指出,在白宮草坪向胡錦濤抗議的動機,就是為了揭發中國進行活體器官摘除的暴行,當時並沒有太多時間 細想結果,只是選擇站在正義與良知的一端。

至於是否有直接證據證實中國摘除活體器官?王文怡說,能提供第一手資料的被害人,早已因為被摘 除器官解剖而死亡,至於實際從事摘除器官的加害者,幾乎不可 能證實自己做過的滅絕人類罪行;所幸今年初,兩名來自中國瀋陽的法輪功學員,親口證實中國確實存有摘除人類活體器官的事實,其中一名證人的丈夫,就是操刀 從事活體器官摘除工作的外科醫生。

王文怡說,在聽過兩名證人陳述後,她立刻上網搜尋相關資料,結果發現,中國官方早就設立了一個器官買賣 的網站,列舉出各種器官移植的費用,皆以美金計價,這個網站翻譯成五種語言,用意在招攬世界各地的病人前往中國進行器官移植,其中一個網頁,還有「感謝中 國政府、公安局、警察局、監獄」等單位的字眼。





她 解釋,中國法律允 許從被處死的囚犯身上,摘取器官移植,而中國一年處死的人犯,約為一千六百人至一千八百人,最多不過兩千人,因此,一九九三年至一九九九年間接受器官移植 的人數統計還算合理,一九九九年至二零零五年間,中國處死刑人數並沒有明顯增加,多出來的四萬件器官來源不明,「唯一合理的可能,是從活體摘除器官移 植」。

王文怡說,中國政府於一九九九年開始打壓法輪功學員,並在境內設有近四十個集中營關押法輪功學員,其中幾名僥倖逃出來的法輪功學員 曾公開說明,在集中營期 間必須勞動,並接受「洗腦」,如果不鬆口放棄法輪功,就遭到毒打,不過,中國公安卻定期強迫法輪功學員抽血以及檢測心臟、肝臟等器官功能。

她 質疑,中國政府若真的關懷人犯健康,就不會動不動就毒打,再定期做各種健康檢測,唯一的可能性,就是建立一個龐大的「活體器官資料庫」,讓國際病人來中 國求醫時「立即可取」,因此在短短一、兩週內,就能安排做器官移植,在中國,「生命不再是神聖的,而是櫥窗內計價販售的商品」,根據估計,如果一個人的器 官都能使用,可賣到數百萬甚至上億美金。
