星期四, 1月 24, 2008

民主人權時代 法輪功不要開政治的倒車


大寶:我們不要讓你的師父和他指派的人(喔,不,神佛,wait... maybe 他們真的要講的是法輪大法的嘍囉, gosh... 大寶冷汗直流)統治。 You are an American! The Constitution of the United States of America is built on the ideal that "all men are created equal." You and I are equal, and we all have our human rights. We don't pray (or 修煉 or listen to a prophet) to elect the Mayor, the Congressman, the President. We vote! 一人一票,票票等值,we are equals!

小寶 (obviously puzzled):What does "equal" mean?

大寶:Well, "equal" means you treat me in the same way that I treat you. 你有沒有被把拔打小屁屁?




大寶:That's right! 把拔有沒有凡事都跟你用商量的,還是強迫你做這做那的?把拔把你當大人一樣對待,不是「統治你」,這就是 equal human rights, all men are created equal。儘管我是你的老爸,你是我生的,we are a democracy, not a theocracy。我們不要天上或是中國來的人統治我們,管他是人還是神。

1 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...

DaBao, does our congress know about Falun Gong's promotion of theocratic rule? Our tax dollars are paying for this show.

In addition to receiving financial support from various Falun Dafa Associations, Falun Gong media have also received funding from faction of US Congress that’s considered “Blue Team” China hawks.

Most notably The Friends of Falun Gong, a quasi-government organization started by Congressman Tom Lanto’s wife, Annette Lantos, and operated by Ambassador Mark Palmer, one of the co-founders of NED:

http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2001/134/145/2001-134145670-1-9.pdf (page 4, list of directors)

FoF’s non-profit filings over the years show that millions were given to various Falun Gong media outlets:
