星期日, 11月 05, 2006


小寶一早起來又不知哪跟筋不對勁,大唱他自己編的「中國共產黨滅亡」的小調。大寶問他他到底認識哪個中國共產黨員,他只會傻笑。小寶他媽竟然說 "He is having fun!" (leave him alone...)

大寶想到我一位很尊敬的基督徒學長在聽說我對法輪功的反感曾經很含蓄地評論道,宗教應該都是要人向善的吧,大寶沒有辯駁。但是很明顯的法輪大法這個組織以 所謂的「講真相」為名,灌輸他的信徒以及無可避免的這些無知信眾的孩子,在大街上公然仇恨某些特定的人(如中共前領導人江澤民)與某些特定的團體(如中國 共產黨),或對某些特定人群沒有理由的發表歧視言論(如批評同性戀是無惡不作的行徑)。

也許中國共產黨真的十惡不赦,但這些白爛的法輪功弟子無厘頭地灌輸一輩子沒見過一個共產黨員的四歲小孩要共產黨滅亡,大寶也絕不能茍同。基督教再鳥不拉蛋 好歹也有「愛你的敵人」與「當別人打你的左臉,把你的右臉也送上去」這樣本意善良(儘管大寶看來陳義過高)的言論,這個他媽的法輪大法真是叫人討厭!

2 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...

Dabao, does your 基督徒學長 know that Master Li has visited Jesus' heaven, and found no oriental people? It appears while Jesus, a lesser god that only saves white people, Master Li is more powerful and can save everyone:


"I have also found no oriental people in Jesus' paradise"

"I have also found no white people in a Buddha's paradise"

AFAIK FLGer don't publicize teachings like racial purity to mainstream society.

大寶 提到...

The upperclass friend of mine is an extremely kind person. I don't think he would be interested in fighting another faith for his own. However, for social scientists like us, Li's teachings are just ridiculous. Anyway, I think everybody should go read Richard Dawkins's "The God Delusion."