相傳法輪大法「治好了」很多人的疾病,我們家姑娘是其中之一。She suffered from severe lower back pains due to a herniated disk. The only treatment the surgeon could provide was a surgery. Then she started practicing Falun Dafa as a last resort, and her pain was relieved in a few months.
但今天的紐約時報似乎提供了「壓死駱駝的最後一根稻草」,至少對我這個旁觀的科學家而言。這篇報導引述出版在 JAMA (全美最權威的醫學雜誌,比法輪功學員宣稱是證據的那些放屁研究出版的不知名地方的 credibility 要高千百倍)的最新研究報告,指出 the healing power of time is equally good as a surgery. 換言之,我們家姑娘的症狀緩解可能只是時間的療效,等待自動會讓身體變好。
1 則留言:
While not trying to speak ill of the dead, this reminds me of a Dr. Lily Feng who published the amazing survivability of FLG disciple's cells:
BTW, 法倫功高層 封莉莉 2006 6月因胰腺癌病死: