星期日, 11月 05, 2006


難怪就算法輪大法弟子是微生物學博士,也做不出個屁研究來。他們一發正念,所有的 cell lines 都死光光了。你相信嗎?各位逛到這來的法輪功信眾。說發正念殺電腦病毒已經夠光怪陸離了,連你們那位李洪志大師對微生物都沒有好生之德,虧你也相信。幫你們拍拍手!啪啪啪....

2 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...
bobby fletcher 提到...

This year has been a bad year for FLG. Theree of their leadership level disciples have "consumated" in a very un-dafa manner.

Google these poor soul's name:

封莉莉 李國棟 張孟業

Lily Feng, Epoch Times's favorit medical expert who has lab results that show Dafa disciple's cell's amazing regenerative ability - died of pancreatic cancer.

Li Guodong, NTD-TV's NYC news editor, close to Master's heart, died of liver cancer.

Zhang Mongye, got hit by a delivery truck in Thailand enroute to protest the Chinese consulate, died three days later in the hospital.

It seems they needed a little more than 殺細菌病毒.