星期日, 7月 29, 2007


大寶說你不要送我兒子去法輪功的夏令營,我家的法輪大法弟子就賭爛不爽,擺張臭臉,亂發脾氣,什麼他媽的真善忍好都當作狗屁了。小寶搞不清楚狀況,熱臉貼 到冷屁股,無端被法輪功媽媽幹訆一頓,掉眼淚。大寶把他拉過來,安撫一下,幫助他思考何以法輪功的媽媽要發他脾氣。大家搞清楚是非黑白,不要扯爛污。

大寶: Why did Mommy yell at you?

小寶: Because I didn't finish my bread.

大寶: Your bread? Isn't that your breakfast?

小寶: Yes.

大寶: If that is your breakfast, why does she yell at you now?

小寶: What do you mean?

大寶: If Mommy is angry at you because you didn't finish your breakfast, she should have been yelling at you in the morning, not in the evening! She didn't yell at you in the morning, but yelled at you just now, that doesn't make any sense!!! Does it?

小寶: So, you mean, she is supposed to yell at me in the morning if she is really angry at me because I didn't finish my breakfast in the morning. She yelled at me in the evening. That means she is angry about other things?

大寶: That's right! You are a smart boy!

1 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...

Maybe ShaoBao's FLG Mommy is upset with the news that Master Li is suffering from mid/late stage brain cancer, according to Boxun.com:


"张而平、李琮等人目前已联系了M.D.安德森癌症中心、UCSF Medical Center(加州大学旧金山分校医学中心)、Massachusetts General Hospital(麻省总医院)等数家医院的脑科权威会诊,但均表示情况不容乐观, Varmus博士也表示只能“try our best”(译者注:尽力而为)。 "

Please be careful and be safe; I don't want to see anyone, especially your family, follow Master's Li impending "consumation".