相傳法輪大法「治好了」很多人的疾病,我們家姑娘是其中之一。She suffered from severe lower back pains due to a herniated disk. The only treatment the surgeon could provide was a surgery. Then she started practicing Falun Dafa as a last resort, and her pain was relieved in a few months.
但今天的紐約時報似乎提供了「壓死駱駝的最後一根稻草」,至少對我這個旁觀的科學家而言。這篇報導引述出版在 JAMA (全美最權威的醫學雜誌,比法輪功學員宣稱是證據的那些放屁研究出版的不知名地方的 credibility 要高千百倍)的最新研究報告,指出 the healing power of time is equally good as a surgery. 換言之,我們家姑娘的症狀緩解可能只是時間的療效,等待自動會讓身體變好。
This weblog chronicles how a Falun Dafa disciple loses her marriage, and how she mistreats her son because of Falun Gong.
星期三, 11月 22, 2006
星期六, 11月 11, 2006
op-ed on organ harvesting and Falun Gong's "Dr." Wenyi Wang
Response to Falun Gong group by Charles Liu, 11/4/2006
Dear Molokai Island Times:
While China's human rights records should be examined, I would like to urge you to look into all the facts of the case regarding the live organ harvesting allegation made by the religious sect Falun Gong, and promoted by Mr. David Kilgour.
In my opinion Falun Gong's actions not only discredited their own cause, they also detracted from honest examination of China's problems. Falun Gong's indictment muddles the rational discussion of issues such as China's legal reform, and Chinese society's moral, ethical standards on dignity and treatment of the condemned.
It is in this spirit I would like to bring to your attention some contrarian facts surrounding Falun Gong's recent media activity:
- US State Department investigated and found Falun Gong's Sujiatun/Auschwitz allegation not credible. (1)
- A US Congressional brief on China and Falun Gong questioned the veracity of Falun Gong's claim of genocide and credibility of the Kilgour report. (2)
- Long time Chinese dissident Harry Wu investigated the allegation and found Falun Gong's witness unreliable. (3)
- The hospital Falun Gong accused is partly owned by a Malaysian health care company, Country Heights Health Sanctuary, and is subject to oversight beyond Chinese authority. Malay officials have documented prior year visit, and the facility has been open to public for years. (4)
- The gory photo admitted as evidence by Mr. Kilgour, is not evidence of torture or vivisection.
Specifically, photo of Mr. Wang Bin in the Kilgour report, Appendix 12 Case 1. Pathologist review contradicted Falun Gong's claim. (5) Even according to Falun Gong's own evidence, an autopsy was performed as part of Mr. Wang's murder investigation held by local authority. (6)
Another photo that is widely mis-used by Falun Gong is of Mr. Liu Yufeng, it too does not prove torture or vivisection. In reality these autopsy photos prove the opposite is true. The Chinese government was not complicit and investigated death of citizens while under police custody.
In conclusion, writing allegory of "Schindler's List" is not the way to examine China's human rights record. If we in the west can not be precise with our accusation, only resort of nefarious indictment - why should anyone take what we say seriously?
Charles Liu
Seattle, WA
2) "The Collateral of Suppression", a report critical of China written for Senator Dianne Feinstein, member of US Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC), where congressional researchers Emma Ashburn and Thomas Lum were quoted.
3) http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20060806_1.htm
http://crc.gov.my/clinicalTrial/documents/Proposal/TCM_Stroke%20TrialProtocol%20synopsis.pdf (page 3)
5) Review by Dr. Friedlander of Kansas City University School of Medicine, Pathology Dept. The photo exhibited 'Y' incisions in the neck and baseball stitch sutures, which are typical of autopsy. The fact organ removal by medical examiner during autopsy is routine, is omitted.
6) http://clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2000/11/16/6164.html
Response to Falun Gong group by Charles Liu, 11/4/2006
Dear Molokai Island Times:
While China's human rights records should be examined, I would like to urge you to look into all the facts of the case regarding the live organ harvesting allegation made by the religious sect Falun Gong, and promoted by Mr. David Kilgour.
In my opinion Falun Gong's actions not only discredited their own cause, they also detracted from honest examination of China's problems. Falun Gong's indictment muddles the rational discussion of issues such as China's legal reform, and Chinese society's moral, ethical standards on dignity and treatment of the condemned.
It is in this spirit I would like to bring to your attention some contrarian facts surrounding Falun Gong's recent media activity:
- US State Department investigated and found Falun Gong's Sujiatun/Auschwitz allegation not credible. (1)
- A US Congressional brief on China and Falun Gong questioned the veracity of Falun Gong's claim of genocide and credibility of the Kilgour report. (2)
- Long time Chinese dissident Harry Wu investigated the allegation and found Falun Gong's witness unreliable. (3)
- The hospital Falun Gong accused is partly owned by a Malaysian health care company, Country Heights Health Sanctuary, and is subject to oversight beyond Chinese authority. Malay officials have documented prior year visit, and the facility has been open to public for years. (4)
- The gory photo admitted as evidence by Mr. Kilgour, is not evidence of torture or vivisection.
Specifically, photo of Mr. Wang Bin in the Kilgour report, Appendix 12 Case 1. Pathologist review contradicted Falun Gong's claim. (5) Even according to Falun Gong's own evidence, an autopsy was performed as part of Mr. Wang's murder investigation held by local authority. (6)
Another photo that is widely mis-used by Falun Gong is of Mr. Liu Yufeng, it too does not prove torture or vivisection. In reality these autopsy photos prove the opposite is true. The Chinese government was not complicit and investigated death of citizens while under police custody.
In conclusion, writing allegory of "Schindler's List" is not the way to examine China's human rights record. If we in the west can not be precise with our accusation, only resort of nefarious indictment - why should anyone take what we say seriously?
Charles Liu
Seattle, WA
2) "The Collateral of Suppression", a report critical of China written for Senator Dianne Feinstein, member of US Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC), where congressional researchers Emma Ashburn and Thomas Lum were quoted.
3) http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20060806_1.htm
http://crc.gov.my/clinicalTrial/documents/Proposal/TCM_Stroke%20TrialProtocol%20synopsis.pdf (page 3)
5) Review by Dr. Friedlander of Kansas City University School of Medicine, Pathology Dept. The photo exhibited 'Y' incisions in the neck and baseball stitch sutures, which are typical of autopsy. The fact organ removal by medical examiner during autopsy is routine, is omitted.
6) http://clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2000/11/16/6164.html
星期日, 11月 05, 2006
難怪就算法輪大法弟子是微生物學博士,也做不出個屁研究來。他們一發正念,所有的 cell lines 都死光光了。你相信嗎?各位逛到這來的法輪功信眾。說發正念殺電腦病毒已經夠光怪陸離了,連你們那位李洪志大師對微生物都沒有好生之德,虧你也相信。幫你們拍拍手!啪啪啪....
小寶一早起來又不知哪跟筋不對勁,大唱他自己編的「中國共產黨滅亡」的小調。大寶問他他到底認識哪個中國共產黨員,他只會傻笑。小寶他媽竟然說 "He is having fun!" (leave him alone...)
大寶想到我一位很尊敬的基督徒學長在聽說我對法輪功的反感曾經很含蓄地評論道,宗教應該都是要人向善的吧,大寶沒有辯駁。但是很明顯的法輪大法這個組織以 所謂的「講真相」為名,灌輸他的信徒以及無可避免的這些無知信眾的孩子,在大街上公然仇恨某些特定的人(如中共前領導人江澤民)與某些特定的團體(如中國 共產黨),或對某些特定人群沒有理由的發表歧視言論(如批評同性戀是無惡不作的行徑)。
也許中國共產黨真的十惡不赦,但這些白爛的法輪功弟子無厘頭地灌輸一輩子沒見過一個共產黨員的四歲小孩要共產黨滅亡,大寶也絕不能茍同。基督教再鳥不拉蛋 好歹也有「愛你的敵人」與「當別人打你的左臉,把你的右臉也送上去」這樣本意善良(儘管大寶看來陳義過高)的言論,這個他媽的法輪大法真是叫人討厭!
大寶想到我一位很尊敬的基督徒學長在聽說我對法輪功的反感曾經很含蓄地評論道,宗教應該都是要人向善的吧,大寶沒有辯駁。但是很明顯的法輪大法這個組織以 所謂的「講真相」為名,灌輸他的信徒以及無可避免的這些無知信眾的孩子,在大街上公然仇恨某些特定的人(如中共前領導人江澤民)與某些特定的團體(如中國 共產黨),或對某些特定人群沒有理由的發表歧視言論(如批評同性戀是無惡不作的行徑)。
也許中國共產黨真的十惡不赦,但這些白爛的法輪功弟子無厘頭地灌輸一輩子沒見過一個共產黨員的四歲小孩要共產黨滅亡,大寶也絕不能茍同。基督教再鳥不拉蛋 好歹也有「愛你的敵人」與「當別人打你的左臉,把你的右臉也送上去」這樣本意善良(儘管大寶看來陳義過高)的言論,這個他媽的法輪大法真是叫人討厭!
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