星期日, 3月 11, 2007



原來這所謂的「共產邪靈」是自封的,在他們祖師爺的文件裡,叫做「共產黨宣言 The Communist Manifesto」,而且是開宗明義第一句話:「A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of Communism.」但社會學家和法輪功弟子的差別在於,雖然這共產黨宣言很難讀,一堆生字,好歹社會學家會接下去啃個大意,不會斷章取義,看到那些法輪功香主堂主要我看的「關鍵字」就停,閉著眼睛相信他們的鬼話。你若往下讀,或至少 wiki 一下,這宣言基本上說:世上大致分為壓迫者與被壓迫者,而所謂的「共產邪靈」是要來反抗壓迫者的。這共產主義的理想事實上從《國際歌》裡可以略窺一二:
起來,饑寒交迫的奴隸, 起來,全世界受苦的人! 滿腔的熱血已經沸騰. 要為真理而斗爭! 舊世界打個落花流水, 奴隸們起來! 起來! 不要說我們一無所有, 我們要做天下的主人!
這是最后的斗爭. 團結起來,到明天, 英特納雄耐爾(大寶註:指共產國際,老共的全球化組織,如同今日的法輪功堂口)就一定要實現. 從來就沒有什么救世主, 也不靠神仙皇帝! 要創造人類的幸福. 全靠我們自己! 我們要奪回勞動果實, 讓思想沖破牢籠! 快把那爐火燒得通紅, 趁熱打鐵才能成功! 這是最后的斗爭. 團結起來,到明天, 英特納雄耐爾就一定要實現. 是誰創造了人類世界? 是我們勞動群眾! 一切歸勞動者所有, 那能容得寄生蟲? 最可恨是那些毒蛇猛獸, 吃盡了我們的血肉! 一旦把他們消滅干凈, 鮮紅的太陽照遍全球! 這是最后的斗爭. 團結起來,到明天, 英特納雄耐爾就一定要實現.
這邪靈之所以是邪靈,在這宣言裡看起來指的是他們要讓這些歐洲的資產階級害怕,他們共產主義者要崛起了,純粹是修辭技 巧罷了。除此之外,這國際歌與共產黨宣言的理想,實在不比法輪功講的真善忍差到哪裡去。這是何以民國初年有人(不記得是誰了 someone help!)說若是不認同共產主義理想的人,必定是無血無淚之人。法輪功弟子請多讀書,才不會被拐。OK?


12 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...

Dabao, I would like to ask you to help me to write letter to the International Association for Organ Donation.

Tow of our favorit people on this planet, David Kilgour and Wang Wenyi, for some reason are invited to speak at the IAOD. I will venture a guess that they are going to pump the live organ harvesting story.

Pleas help me organize a response by writting letters. My email is in my blog profile.

bobby fletcher 提到...

Hey DB, I heard Li Hongzhi appeared recently in a NYC FLG gathering. Do you have any photos of this event?

立里 提到...
Unknown 提到...

我家姑娘would like to say only two things to boobby fletcher. One, stop making everyone else a CCP muppet like yourself. Two, any question about FLG, the www.minghui.com will provide you any photo you'd need.

Oh, one more thing, I visited your website. I only have one question for you. How much are you paid by the CCP? Wait, I forgot you're a muppet, you don't get paid. All you need is "tickle."

Unknown 提到...

Please forgive 我家的法輪功學員 being ignorant in literature and/or history. However, it's also stated that "二十歲前讀馬克思主義而不動容者,其人必無血無淚;但三十歲後仍為馬克思所煽動者,其人必無智慧。" Just FYI.

大寶 提到...

The sociologist cannot agree with the second part, 但三十歲後仍為馬克思所煽動者,其人必無智慧, no matter who said it. The Marxists are still an important school of social thought. Read the work by Erik Olin Wright, Vilas Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for example.

Unknown 提到...

So this is the typical "scholar" who would only "pick" the part agreed and "ignore" the rest to "fool" the reader. Very "typical", be a Falun Gong member or an aFalun Gong member. It seems we all graduate from "the same school."

大寶 提到...

I just did not know the second part exists. No intention to hide. By the way, I cannot locate the source of this quote either. Can you?

Unknown 提到...

Didn't I tell you? We graduated from "the same school?"

bobby fletcher 提到...

May I suggest that your

"How much are you paid by the CCP?"

is basically without a shred of Truth, Compassion, Forebearance?

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

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