星期日, 6月 17, 2007



You need to go to http://libcat.uchicago.edu , and search "Wang Wenyi" in Author. Her Ph.D. thesis is titled, "The neuronal properties of a striatal cholinergic cell line and its utility for the study of cell-cell interactions in the CNS", with a degree conferral date of August 1995 from the Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences.


3 則留言:

bobby fletcher 提到...

If this is the case Wang Wenyi has even less excuse to abuse autopsy photos to bolster FLG's vivisection allegation.

The two gory photos Wang cited in her Epoch Times article last year since been identified as autopsy photos of Wang Bin and Liu Yuefeng.

Even according to Falun Gong's own publication, the authority investigated death of citizens under police detention, and punished officials resposible.

According to Ming Hui, the warden responsible for Wang Bin's death was arrested after the autopsy.

bobby fletcher 提到...

Here's an example of Wang Wenyi passing off autopsy photo as evidence of live organ harvesting:


On the right side of the banner behind her has two gory photos. One belongs to Liu yuefeng and the other belongs to Wang Bin.

I asked a pathology professor to review the photo of Wang Bin, and he pointed out obvious signs such as "Y incision" around the neck, and the baseball stich sutures that contradicts FLG's claim.

There's no neck organ to harvest; the only reason for the Y incision is to expose the hyoid bone for signs of strangulation - as prt of murder investigation.

大寶 提到...

Most Falun Dafa disciples don't care about evidence. They just care about ideologies. When I first raised the doubt that Wang Wenyi does not have a Ph.D., the standard reaction of Falun Gong disciples was --- I don't care. How truthful they are! So, I am not surprised at what bobby said.